Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dear Class (letters from Nova) December 2010

December 13th
Dear class,
Hello from New Zealand!!The date here is 12\13\10 and where you are at it is 12/12/10 (the day I wrote this letter).  We are one
day ahead!!
I am having lots of fun. I am staying at a place called The Gorilla Hut.  The guy that owns The Gorilla Hut has a friend that is a baker
and he gives The Gorilla Hut all the day old goods!!  There has been lots of good treats like jelly filled muffins, rolls, donuts and
lots of other good things.
We have been gardening (planting tomatos) reading,and swimming lots. It is hot here because it is summer time.  I have also been drawing and writing comics.
I miss you guys.

 (December 17th)

Dear Class,

I have been reading the Simpson's Comic books.  We found one in a store today.  There were also  Scooby-Doo, Tom and Jerry, and
Futurma comic books. 
There are a lot of ducks where we are camping.  Vega and I feed them bread.  I have been trying to catch a baby duck, but it
hasn't gone too well. 
This morning we hiked to a hot spring and went to a waterfall!  We also went to two playgrounds.  I liked them for different reasons.  The first one
had a tree-fort with a pole to slide down and there was a slackline.  In the second one their were alot of spinning things!

I miss you,
 December 19th

Dear Class,

I have been having fun.  Today I went to two different fairs!  The first fair was an antique fair.  Mom got a silver locket (from Dad),
Vega got a comic book called Huckelbeery Hound, and I got a Jughead comic book that is pretty old.  At the second fair we got juice
and avacados and cheese and mom got dad a knife!  There also were goldfish and balloon animals and lots of other good stuff.
Vega and I also got smoked salmon and smoked eel.
After the fairs, we went on a picknick at the Hamilton Gardens.  It was a fun day!

miss you, Nova