Saturday, June 23, 2012

my summer so far

This summer has been great!  We have planed a trip to Utah (for this fall), gotten a new baby cousin (born on June 14) and have had lots of sunshine to play in.  I have been listening to a lot of music on Pandora  and reading lots of books. Right now I am reading this great series called the_beacon_street_girls by Annie Bryant. It is so good that I can't put it down (I read 9 chapters when I told mom I would only read one....oops!)

I set up a really cute moshi monster.  She is a poppet which is like a teddy bear and is so cute!!  I think moshi monsters is really fun.

Exercise. Yep, I have  slow down, too muchy. so i have one week to alter my goals and get in gear or......... THE DEAL IS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!! horrible as it is i am going to make it work.  and that means stop thinking about only push-ups and sit-ups and think of quality not quantity, motivation and doing things without being told.  I am gonna learn to do things (without being reminded) and to stick to my goals.

 and that is it for this month, ciao!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Motivation. What is it? I will tell you what it is. Motivation is a feeling of inspiration that helps you make a plan and execute it. Just like my exercise program. Oh, by the way, I am not doing to good. Want to know why? Because while the exercise is at the back of my head, more important stuff is at the front.  My mom keeps trying to get me to do my exercise but I am thinking of other stuff like a movie or book, and I have really been slacking on writing in my blog.
My motivation. My motivation to do the exercise, record it and write in my blog without being asked. My motivation is on top of a mountain in Brain-Land, locked in a chest with the key just out of reach. But I am going to set it free and work harder than I ever have before. I will do my stuff without being told and get what I want. I am going to unlock my motivation and reach the goal. But to do this I must reach the key. I think of my inspirations such as mom and that i-pod. I also think of not having those things and I reach the key. “Click.”  My motivation is unlocked and at the top of my head.